28th January 2015 – Tales and riddles about animals- RUSE,BULGARIA
28th January 2015 – Tales and riddles about animals
Interactive session for students from 2nd A and 2nd B classes
Class teachers: V. Yordanova and M. Ivanova
Our work on the international project Learn to Read and Read to Learn led us to a new tendency which is on its way to become a tradition now. According to this new trend parents of the second graders took an active part in the interactive reading session. Grandparents and parents were not only viewers but vividly participated in the reading activities.
Innovative methods, such as dramatization of the tale “The Wolf and The Crow” and comments on the characters’ features, were implemented so as to evoke young readers’ interest in tales. The two class teachers V. Yordanova and M. Ivanova used various reading techniques – reading comprehension, listening comprehension, selective reading, team work with competitive elements.
Interdisciplinary links were made with Arts and Music. Children had fun colouring the animals which turned out to be the answers of the riddles, read by their parents. They had to guess which animals were represented through the music of Camille Saint-Saens.
In the end of the session they got a task for creative writing – to invent a riddle about an animal which they saw in a picture or, to find one when reading Bulgarian folk riddles.
For their imitativeness and creative work the children got prizes. According an old Bulgarian tradition their parents had made pita bread which they broke and dished out to children wishing them good health and success.
Written by M. Hristova,
Deputy Principal and Project Manager
Translation: tb