27/04/2015 20:19The 5th and one before last meeting took place in Oradea, Rumania from 23rd till the 2th of March 2015.
All the members of the Comenius team were left with the best impressions with the excellent organization of the 5th meeting which included visits to the MIHAI EMINESCU NATIONAL COLLEGE and guided tours in the city of Oradea and close-by regions.
The 5th Working Meeting of the multilateral Comenius project Learn to Read and Read to Learn, financed by the European Commission through the Lifelong Learning Programme no. COM-13-PM-873-BH-BG, was held in Oradea, between march 23rd – 28th 2015. The event was organized and hosted by the Romanian partner school “Mihai Eminescu” National College, Oradea.
The programme is approved for a period of two years, from August 1st 2013, until July 31st 2015, and has as a main aim the encouragement of active reading through activities meant to establish a wonderful connection between students of all ages and the activity of reading.
On Monday, March 23rd, the project team from the college in Oradea welcomed the 24 guests of the delegations from Ruse (Bulgaria), Korinos – Pieria (Greece), Budapest and Salgotarjan (Hungary), Vasto (Italy) and Ankara (Turkey).
On March 24th, between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m., the official opening of the project meeting was held in the conference room of the Continental Forum Hotel, which was an important moment for the exchange of good practices in the field of reading didactics, as well as for the exploitation of the progress noticed throughout the unfolding of the project activities. Representatives of the local institutions were present at this meeting: Eduard Florea – Oradea City Hall Manager, Daniela Călinescu – European Affairs Councellor within the Bihor County Prefecture Institution and Ioana Paula Codrean – Institutional Management School Inspector. Furthermore, Mrs. Elena Cristina Marian, the Head-Mistress of the College and Mrs. Eniko Hochhauser, the Deputy Head-Mistress, underlined the importance of the project for our school, as well as the multiple opportunities of linguistic and didactic practice offered to all the teachers involved. Each delegation presented its progress report, mentioning that the materials presented can be found on the project website, administered by the team from Greece. On the same day, in the afternoon, the guests went in a documentation sightseeing activity, visiting the main tourist attractions of the city: the old Oradea Fortress, The “Black Eagle” Palace, The City Hall Tower. The programme of the day ended with a cultural moment prepared by the teachers and students involved in the project.
The first part of March 25th was committed to didactic activities, illustrated through lesson sequences from a wide range of curricular area, proving that all the subject matters require comprehensive text study, which represents the understanding of the written message. The international delegations visited both buildings that belong to the school, in order to observe the didactic strategies used at all educational levels, specific for the Romanian educational system. In the second part of the day, the group was welcome at the “Holy Cross” Monastery, according to a tradition of the project, which encourages the respect for the spiritual traditions of each country involved in the project.
On March 26th, the delegation went on a documentation trip, which covered some important cultural, historical and geographical points, representative for this region: The “Turda” Salt Mine, the city of Cluj-Napoca and “Felix” Spa.
The last day of activities, March 27th, allowed the exploitation of the geological rarities from the old Beius Country. The expedition to “Meziad” Cave combined art with the beauty of nature in the most spectacular way: the interpret and composer Melaz had a musical recital in the heart of earth.
The closing of the reunion took place on March 28th, after discussing the aims and responsibilities of each delegation for the preparation of the final conference which will be held in Ankara, Turkey, between June 1st – 6th, 2015.This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.