12/04/2014 17:11

Pictures and links about the press coverage of the meeting in Budapest.

Újbuda newspaper 

(6th pages):

Újbuda online:


24th-29th March 2014 - Second meeting Comenius project, at Lágymányosi Bárdos Lajos Kéttannyelvű Általános Iskola és Gimnázium Budapest, Hungary and Általános Iskola Kodály Zoltán Tagiskolája Salgótarján, Hungary

24th March 2014 - Arrival at Budapest

25th March 2014 - Meeting at the hotel; Walking to the Local Authority of  the 11th district of Budapest; Official opening by Phd. Tamás Hoffman mayor of district;  Presentation of the Hungarian educational system by Mr. István Laucsek director of the 11th Educational District, Budapest; Project meeting (presentation of the progress reports; presentation of the work done so far,          further tasks till the next meeting, setting the date of the next meeting); Walking to Lágymányosi Bárdos Lajos Két Tanítási Nyelvű Általános Iskola és Gimnázium; Welcoming the guests-short programme; Visit to lessons: Hungarian language and literature lesson fragments in classes 3th and 5th.

26th March 2014 - Visiting of cultural-historical objectives of Budapest

27th March 2014 - Travelling to Salgótarján; Visit to Általános Iskola Kodály Zoltán Tagiskolája from Salgótarján and visit to lessons; Travelling back to Budapest.

28th March 2014 - Visiting of touristical and cultural-historical objectives of Budapest

29 March 2014 - Departure from Budapest




