Welcome to our website

Welcome to our " LEARN TO READ AND READ TO  LEARN  "  Commenius program website. 

Six countries are involved in this program:BULGARIA(Ruse), GREECE(Korinos Pieria), HUNGARY(Budapest, Salgotarjan), ITALY(Vasto),ROMANIA(Oradea), TURKEY(Ankara)

This site is organised for all members and visitors in order to be a connective place between us.

We can present all aims of the project, future and past events, discussions and conclusions of our meetings and each partners activity

SUMMARY OF THE PROGRAM (2013-1-BG1-COM06-000075)

According to the report of the EC on literacy problems of young people in Europe the number of those who are functionally illiterate rapidly increases. That's why the Commission promotes measures towards increasing awareness about this problem in the society and tries to provide training services to specialists/teachers.

The Partnership includes pre-schools and mainstream schools from Bulgaria (coordinator), Greece, Hungary, Italy, Romania, Turkey.

The so formed multinational partnership is to answer the decreasing level of functional literacy among children and youngsters. According to the results of the latest research held by international organizations such as PISA and PIRLS the percentage of actively reading children is constantly decreasing, as well as of those who are able to extract and interpret information, so that they can gain new knowledge and develop their learning skills.


The project aims at enhancing students’ interest to reading through involving them in various activities leading to improved reading skills as well as further development of their ability to work with written information.

The project also aims at providing motivating activities for children of different age, as follows: Reading Sessions, Reading Lessons, Reading on Stage, Reading Exhibition, each having as result a final activity and/or a final product. Along with students activities there will be teachers oriented ones provided by external specialists. It is also planned parents to be actively involved in the project work. Where it is necessary additional local partners will be involved.

A prior Need Analysis will be held in partner countries to provide initial information about the reading habits among youngsters which is to be used as a base for final evaluation of the project effectiveness.

Events Calendar

22/06/2015 21:51

6 th - FINAL meeting, Ankara,Turkey

The final meeting took place in Ankara, from the 1st to the  6th of June 2015 : FINAL MEETING (main menu)  


27/04/2015 20:19


The 5th and one before last meeting took place in Oradea, Rumania from 23rd till the 2th of March 2015. All the members of the Comenius team were left with the best impressions with the excellent organization of the 5th meeting which included visits to the MIHAI EMINESCU NATIONAL COLLEGE and guided...


25/10/2014 22:09


RUSE   BUDAPEST SALGOTARIAN VASTO     ORADEA ANKARA   We welcome…   As adviser on educational issues to Korinos High School and on behalf of my colleagues school advisers of Pieria, with great pleasure I welcome the current event under the European program...


03/08/2014 09:30


THIRD MEETING AT NUOVA DIREZIONE DIDATTICA, VASTO, ITALY : 2th-7th June 2014   2th June 2014 - Arrival at Vasto 3th June 2014 - Formal opening; Meeting at the publishing house "Gulliver" in Vasto; Presentation of the progress reports; Presentation of the work done so far; Further tasks...


17/05/2014 00:06


  WINNER TEXTS: 1ST PRIZE:COLEGIUL NATIONAL "MIHAI EMINESCU" ORADEA, ROMANIA "FANTASY" by Antonia Ganea(isabela_ganea@yahoo.com)Class V A Teacher: Magda Botezat Once upon a time there was a young woman called Lie. She was always lying. Her face was as ugly as her soul and her eyes were like...


12/04/2014 17:11


Pictures and links about the press coverage of the meeting in Budapest. Újbuda newspaper  (6th pages):https://www.ujbuda.hu/ujsag/2014_04_09/201407.pdf Újbuda...


12/04/2014 16:53


The kick off meeting of the project took place from 22 to 26 October 2013 in Ruse, Bulgaria Participants: BULGARIA, RUSE GREECE, KORINOS HUNGARY, BUDAPEST HUNGARY, SALGOTARIAN ITALY, VASTO ROMANIA, ORADEA TURKEY, ANKARA FIRST MEETING,RUSE,BULGARIA.jpg (115,7 kB) 22th-26th October 2013 -...



27/04/2015 20:35


LEARNING ENGLISH IS FUN Literary and Musical Spectacle of...


27/04/2015 18:42

"Biographies. The Romanian writers, as they (really) were" MIHAI EMINESCOU NATIONAL COLLEGE,ORADEA,RUMANIA

"Biographies. The Romanian writers, as they (really)...


23/04/2015 18:45

Reading session dedicated to the World Book and Copyright Day - 23rd April, RUSE,BOULGARIA

Reading session dedicated to the World Book and Copyright...


20/03/2015 22:19

The “Historical Tales” Competition by Sorina Duică (translated by Ioana Pantor)

The “Historical Tales” Competition by Sorina Duică...


20/03/2015 22:18

"Word Images" by Maria Hulber (translated by Ioana Pantor)

"Word Images" by Maria Hulber (translated by Ioana...


12/03/2015 22:45

“For the future of Bulgaria”, RUSE,BULGARIA

28th February 2015 – Town’s  poetry recital...


04/03/2015 20:58

High School "Mihai Eminescu": "100 Days of School"

The youngest students from the High School "Mihai...


03/03/2015 15:15

RUSE: The 1st March – Baba Marta (4th D class, V. Petkova, class teacher)

The 1st March – Baba Marta (4th D class, V. Petkova, class...


27/02/2015 22:55

RUSE,BULGARIA 27. 11 .2014 In the magical world of the fairy tales “Snow-white and the seven dwarfs”

27. 11 .2014г. In the magical world of the fairy tales...


27/02/2015 21:16

In the magical world of the fairy tales ‘Who will have taste of the rod’ folk tale" RUSE,BULGARIA

27. 11 .2014г. – In the magical world of the fairy...


`Poem and prose reciting competition -Kodaly Primary School, Salgotarjan-Hungary`

Reading Club for primary school students - 26.02.2014

This edition of Reading Club was dedicated to Eugen Ionescu. 
The students read excerpts from the book entitled Stories 1,2,3,4 written by Eugen Ionescu. The well-known playwriter wrote the book for his daughter, Marie-France. 
The four stories were illustrated by Etienne Delessert. 
The reading class had several stages: reading the story, a discussion about the text message, a short break during which children learned to make origami, reading some excerpts by the children of fourth grade. 
The activity was coordinated by Laura-Teodora Ardelean and supported by master student at the Faculty of Letters Oradea, Emilia Ciordaș, the second year students at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Emilia Țicărat and Alina Copil, along with the highschooler of 11th grade, Ștefana Teaha from ”Mihai Eminescu” National College , Oradea. 
The fourth grade students from ”Iosif Vulcan” National College attended to this activity, being accompanied by their teacher, Maria Donca.



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