1.Carnevale in camicia per i bimbi
della scuola "San Michele"


Con la festa “Camicia Party” dei bambini della Scuola dell’Infanzia “S. Michele” della Nuova Direzione Didattica Vasto, Carnevale ha fatto rima con “originale”.


Tutti i bambini sono stati impegnati in attività laboratoriali grafico-pittoriche per disegnare, dipingere e colorare delle vecchie camicie che hanno indossato alla festa di carnevale.

Infatti il laboratorio “Piccoli artisti – Artisti piccoli” , organizzato in gruppi con i bambini di tutte le sezioni, ha avuto come finalità il potenziamento delle capacità creative in un contesto educativo sereno e stimolante.

I bambini hanno personalizzato con un nome di fantasia la propria camicia e l’hanno indossata per esibirsi nella sfilata nell’atrio della Scuola, nei balli, nelle coreografie e nel momento di condivisione di festa con i bambini della Scuola Primaria in un’ottica di continuità.

Le insegnanti sono rimaste molto soddisfatte dell’andamento del laboratorio e dei risultati raggiunti e hanno contribuito a colorare la festa vestendo anche loro delle camicie decorate.


Le insegnanti della Scuola Infanzia “S. Michele”










March 15th is a national holiday in Hungary. It stands for democracy and freedom and it commemorates the Hungarian Revolution of 1848, which grew into a war for independence from Habsburg rule. 
Every year before that day students of SKAID KODALY ZOLTAN PRIMARY SCHOOL decorate their classrooms with symbols of the holiday. On Friday (14 March) they held a ceremony (commemoration) in the school gym with participation of 6th graders




     High School of KORINOS, Greece


This is an article written by the student Dimitris Prothromidis which has come first in the writing competition of articles on the value of reading books. The article in question will be published shortly, in «PEN», the school newspaper as well as in local newspapers.  



          The book, a timeless medium of knowledge, hides in its pages an entire treasure. It reveals the past, it judges the present, and it prepares for the future. What is then, its value for man?

          From the early historic times, man has felt the need to record his knowledge and experiences, so that they will remain intact through time ensuring that the future generations would learn some information with certainty. After all, with oral speech, some important pieces of historical facts get lost, as they pass on, by word of mouth .It is for this reason that man has created books. With books, man could also make guesses about the future. Writers such as Julius Vern, painted with their writings a picture about the future that has been verified today, to a certain point. Therefore the book has a priceless value for man.

           Unfortunately though, young people aren’t interested in reading books today. They aren’t fond of coming in contact with something which is considered old and obsolete. They prefer to spend their time on new technological inventions such as the television and the Internet. This way however, not only do they not read books but also they become isolated from the world around them. The computer screen is their entire world, without the least bit of paper.

             However it is never too late for something to change. The same stands in this case too. The disengagement from the television screen or from the computer screen and the immediate contact with reality can contribute to the return of young people to the book. The publication of books, which will attract the interest of the contemporary reading audience, can also help. After all there are books of electronic nature as well.

             Take a look at a library for a while, either your home library or a public one. You will see thousands of books waiting for you there. They are always there. It is just enough, to search for them.        




"Carnival of literary person" is an activity that reminds us of the beautiful days of Winter and its celebrations. Held within the Comenius project, "Learn to Read and Read to Learn", it was organised by Maths teacher Adriana Luca, Romanian teacher Monica Dumitras, followed as judges by Maria Hulber and Laura Costa. Deputy director Eniko Hochhauser honoured the participants with her presence.

Very enthusiastmatic and very cheerful, the young actors of classes 6 A and 6 B, encouraged by their parents, presented their role in a theatre play, with talent. The play's end was spoken in English, because that's the international language of the project. The students received 14 diplomas, and the most beautiful outfits will be featured in a calendar made by the Comenius project. The most talented kids will play in a theatre play in Romanian, but also in English, when the partners of the National College "Mihai Eminescu" will visit.




In January 2014 we celebrated two years since the first meeting of Reading Club in foreign languages. The partnership with the Faculty of Letters from Oradea and with ”Gheorghe Șincai” County Library involves organizing a reading club in different languages for primary school pupils.The languages in wich we read are: Romanian, English, French, German and Hungarian. 
The activity is held on the last Wednesday of each month. 
If in the beginning adults were those who read to the children, the novelty is that now highschoolers and students are addressing to the children. 
Two meetings - one in December and one in June - are dedicated to reading competitions. 
The project team wants to bring the little readers closer to the idea of book and to that of library. The central objective is to train students to come to the library both accompanied and on their own, to borrow books and, as they advance in age, to study in the reading room. 
On December 16th, 2013 the second edition of the reading contest in Romanian, Hungarian, English and German was held. 
The team coordinated by Laura-Teodora Ardelean was responsible for the Romanian language section of the competition and was composed of: Emilia Ciordaş, student at the Faculty of Letters, University of Oradea, Andrada Belenyesi, Beatrice Bungo and Denik Jurcsik, students in twelfth grade at ”Mihai Eminescu” National College; Paul Zoț, librarian and spokesman for ”Gheorghe Șincai” County Library.
The fragments were chosen from a book written by Florian Cristescu. The title is Familia Roademult. The text was divided into sequences on which a question was formulated. 
Twenty primary school students enrolled in the competition for this particular section. 
The jury paid attention to the following aspects: reading accuracy, expressiveness, fluency, adapting to the situation of communication, the understanding of the text. 
The winner of the first prize received a book from Gutenberg bookstore which was the sponsor of the competition. 
All participants were given the opportunity to make free pass to County Library . 
Laura-Teodora Ardelean



05/05/2014 20:02

“THE FOREST PHARMACY” by Vazrazhdane Secondary Comprehensive School, RUSE,ROMANIA

23rd April 2014 – students from 2nd V class, under the guidance of Mrs Aynur Chakurova performed “The forest pharmacy”, on stage a play by Lila Zaharieva ( a Bulgarian author) Director – Mrs Chakurova Second director – Mrs Uzunova Decors and costumes – Mrs Arnaudova Children from 2nd V class...


27/04/2014 00:56

Highschoolers Reading to Primary School Pupils - 02.04.2014

The students read excerpts from the book entitled Stories 1,2,3,4 written by Eugène Ionesco.  The fourth grade students from ”Mihai Eminescu” National College attended to this activity, being accompanied by Maria Ciutan.  The reading class had several stages: reading the story, a...


27/04/2014 00:43


4th grade students from "Mihai Eminescu" National College, Oradea together with their primary teachers, Mrs. Viorica Porumb and Mrs. Maria Ciutan, prepared on Thursday, the 3rd of April 2014, an Easter surprise. All the things you can see in the pictures (the eggs and the postcards) are handmade....


14/04/2014 07:42


"...AND READ TO LEARN" INTERDISCIPLINARY ACTIVITY  Students from classes 9A, 9B and 10G from "Mihai Eminescu" National College from Oradea participated Wednesday, 9th of April 2014, on the festivity hall, in an interdisciplinary activity through which they had to accumulate new knowledge about...


10/04/2014 22:51

The writer Grazia Ciavatta hosted by Nuova Direzione Didattica Primary School

The fourth class of our school hosted a writer of novels for children Grazia Ciavatta. With his book "Il gatto a distanza" won the top literary award organized by the publisher of a series of children's books "Il battello a vapore".        


09/04/2014 20:21


“CHILDREN READING TO CHILDREN” AT “MIHAI EMINESCU” NATIONAL COLLEGE On the 8th of April 2014, a new activity of the series "Children reading to children" was held at National College "Mihai Eminescu", included in the "Learn to Read and Read to Learn' Comenius project. This time, older students...


21/03/2014 06:01

MIHAI EMINESCU NATIONAL COLLEGE :"Children reading to children"

"Children reading to children" In a real fairytale moment, with words written on the wallpapers for the children, Humanitas Library was Wednesday, 18th of March, 12 PM, host of the meeting regarding the beautiful tales of childhood. Class II A students, step by step, from National College "Mihai...


17/03/2014 21:20


  "We are smarter with 100 days!"   On 28th of February, 2014, elementary school students from preparatory class, coordinated by elementary school teachers Silvana Bistriceanu and Adriana Popa, participated in "We are smarter with 100 days!" activity ("Suntem cu 100 de zile mai...


13/03/2014 20:43

Activities at Vazrazdane Secondary Comprehensive School

To Mum with gratitude and love On 6th March 2014 A musical recital performed by Mrs Tzetza Dimitrova’s students from 1st V class took place at Vazrazhdane Secondary school The aim: teachers and parents to work together so as to help children to adopt strong moral values and stimulate them to read...


05/03/2014 19:56


The story is about two brothers and Pinziponzibaubau Lulùebasta... The two, fed up of hearing parents argue every night about what they should see on TV, they decide to take refuge in the attic. There appears like magic Pirate Captain, a strange character who leads them, on the wings of...
